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How to Create Card Data on PC - in the case of using Google Spread Sheets
The template file's character code is UTF-8 to show multiple languages. If you don't know how to handle file encoding on your PC (char set of the template file, etc.), you can copy the template file to Google Drive, edit it with Google Spread Sheets and easily prepare a file to import into the app.
(1) Start the app, go to [Menu] > [Create Card Data on PC] and tap [Download a card data template file] to download a template file. Save the file to Google Drive then.
(2) Start a web browser on your PC and log in Google Drive.
(3) Right click on the template file in Google Drive and select [Open with] > [Google Sheets].

(4) Enter card data on the template file opened with Google Sheets.
(You can keep some cells empty but do not delete the header row in the template file. Or if you want to delete the header row, please make your csv file exported by the following step have 5 columns.)
(5) Click [File] on the Google Sheets tool bar and select [Download as] > [Comma-separated values (.csv current sheet)].

(6) The edited file is downloaded from Google Sheets to your PC, so copy the file to Google Drive, etc.
(At this point, the edited file is a csv file with UTF-8 char set. If you open the file on your PC, the text may be garbled but no problem to import it to the app. It is recommended to copy the file to Google Drive, etc. without opening it in your PC after downloaded because your PC software might change the file settings and you may not be able to import it to the app.)
(7) Start the app, go to [Menu] > [Import Card Data] and tap [Import Folder Card Data]. Select the file edited above as a file to import and start importing.
(The files in the form of Google Spread Sheets cannot be imported, so they are grayed-out and you cannot select them. Please make sure to select the csv file you downloaded at the above step.)
Import data from files instantly (iPhone / iPad)
On iPhone/iPad, you can tap a file and import it!

Then the relevant import menu in the WordHolic app is showing up instantly. So enjoy importing and learning:)
(Folder data import menu for CSV and TXT, full backup import menu for ZIP)
(1) On iPhone/iPad上, select a file in email attachments, SNS messages like LINE, iCloud Drive, etc.
(2) Tap the action button of the file;
(3) Select the WordHolic button - Open in WordHolic - from the action menu.
(If you don't see the WordHolic button, select the More to open an activity list and set the WordHolic button ON.)
If you have any further questions or requests, please feel free to contact us from [Menu] > [Feedback & Request] in the app.
Enjoy WordHolic!
Copyright 2018 Langholic Ltd.
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